Sunday 5 December 2010

Destruction of Television

Destruction of Television is a book writen by Muhaamad Ilyas Attar Qadri Razavi the founder of Dawat e Islami an international non-political propagation movenment of Qur'an and Sunnah.

Destruction of Television(English subtited 1of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 2of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 3of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 4of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 5of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 6of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 7of8)

Destruction of Television(English subtited 8of8)

Zikr in Naats

Naats (poetry in the praise of Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him and his family) with zikr (chanting of the sacred name of Allah azzawajal) in the background has been very recently introduced in Pakistan and India. However, ulma-e-Ahle Sunnat and the general public is divided on the permissibility of such new styles in the recitation of naats. The main reason that why Ulma-e-karam are opposing the zikr in the background is because it immitates music and whoever is listening thinks early on that it's music. And this is a great disrespect to a sacred action like Naat-Khawani. How much ulma-e-Ahle sunnat and the general public is concerned and divided on this issue that in one of the recent big Mehfil-e-Naat in Bab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan, when one famous Naat-khawan starting reciting Naat in that style (zikr in the background), one very learned and famous scholar stopped him. At this, the Naat-Khawan left the stage. Then the next Naat-Khawan came and starting reciting with the same style. This time, the scholar left the stage because it was not permissible according to his research and it was wajib (compulsory) for him to leave the stage. Afterwards, the supporters (mohibbeen) of both Naat-khawan and Alim got emotional, which lead to anger and ultimately fight among people. Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ileiehe Rajeoon So how much serious is the matter that our own people of Ahle Sunnat are dividing. Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami, Abu Bilal, Hazrate Allama Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qaderi Razawi (damat barkatuhumul alya) as usual has a deep and regretful concern about this issue. Again, he is deep wishing to keep our unity. This is why, he has written a marvelous booklet on the topic of \"Zikr wali Naat Khawani\" (Naat with Zikr). In this booklet, he points out a great shar'ee principle with the reference of Fatawa Razawia V:8, P:303 written by Imam-e-Ahle Sunnat, Mujaddad-e-Deen-o-Millat, Moulana Ashshsah Ahmed Razan Khan (aleh rahmatur Rehman), more/less meaning, \"When there's a doubt in action whether it's sunnah or makruh, then it's afzal (better) to leave it.\" Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat, after quoting this, writes that you see when there's different opinios of Ulama-e-Karam between sunnah and makruh, then it's afzal (better) to leave it. And where Mubah (permissible) and Haram are colliding with each other, then why it wouldn't be 'Afzal Tareen' (the best) to leave it...... Dear and sweet Islamic brothers, this is a great booklet by Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat that has many striking points that we should abstain from Naats with Zikr.

Biography of Imam Ahmed Raza

Ahmed Raza Khan Fazil-e-Barelvi  (1856–1921) was a Sunni Islamic  scholar and Sufi, whose works influenced theBarelvi movement of South asia Raza Khan wrote on numerous topics, including law, religion, philosophy and the sciences. He was a prolific writer, producing nearly 1,000 works in his lifetime.Ahmed Raza Khan was born on 14 June 1856 (1272 AH) in Barelvi,Uttar Pardesh, India; his mother named him Amman Miyān. Raza Khan used the appellation "Abdul Mustafa" (slave of Mustafa) prior to signing his name in correspondence. He studied Islamic Science  and completed a traditional Dars-e-Nizami course under the supervision of his father Naqi Ali Khan, who was a legal scholar. He went on the Hajj with his father in 1878.
Ahmed Raza Khan promulgated several beliefs in light of Holy Quran and Hadees, regarding the Islamic prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him and his family)
  • He is noor (light) as well as bashar (human), that is, noor-ul-bashar ("both light and human")
  • He is haazir naazir (present alive in His grave and given power by ALLAH to watch and to travel whole world in seconds as well as power to travel many places at a time)
  • God has granted him ilm-e-ghaib (the knowledge of the unseen)
  • God has made him mukhtaar kul (having the authority to do whatever he desired by given power of ALLAH)
Ahmed Raza Khan translated the Qur'an into Urdu, which was first published in 1912 under the title of Kanz ul-Iman fi Tarjuma al-Qur’an. The original manuscript is preserved in the library of Idara Tahqiqat-i-Imam Ahmed Raza, Karachi, and an English translation of Kanzul Iman has also been published. Ahmed Raza Khan also wrote several books on the collection and compilation of Hadiths.Raza Khan's main work was Fatawa Ridawiyya which runs in 27 volumes of over 1000 pages each. The Raza Foundation under the leadership of  Abdul Qayyum Hazarwi revised the work, translating all the Persian and Arabic sentences in Urdu, and published it in 30 volumes, running across 90,000 pages.

Raza Khan investigated numerous religious questions:
  • In 1915 he wrote a treatise describing 160 types of water which are acceptable for Wudu (ablution), and 146 types of proscribed water.
  • He identified 181 acceptable and 130 unacceptable materials for Tayammum (alternatives to water for ablution).
  • He was able to fill up the Naqsh-i-Murabba (a sixteen column quadrilateral) by 1152 methods.
  • He knew 800 names of Muhammad from books, and was able to gather 1400 more.
  • He analysed whether it was credible that Hussain was able to travel from Mecca to Karbala on 3rd Zillhij and reach there on 2nd of Muharam. He investigated the types of horses, the loads they carried, the route of the caravan, the types of terrain, and other factors, and finally concluded that the caravan could feasibly have reached Kerbala by the 2nd.
 Raza through his book which was published in 1912, presented four points for the economic development of Muslims:
  • Barring the affairs wherein government is involved, Muslims should decide all their disputes mutually so that millions of rupees, which are being spent over litigations, may be saved.
  • The affluent Muslims of Bombay (Mumbai),Calcutta, Rangoon, Mardas  and Hydrabad should open banks for other poor Muslims.
  • Muslims should not purchase anything from anybody except Muslims.
  • The sciences of Islam should be propagated and publicized.
     Faiz-E-Raza Jarey Rahay Gha Inshallah azawajal

      Attar Ka Pyara(Haji Mushtaq Attari Qadri Rahmatullah Ta'ala Alaih)

      Who is Ataar ka Pyara?

      Join the right movement
      Choose the right Guide
      Pick the correct path
      Adopt the best act
      Use Skill for the just cause
      Dedicate himself to the Ummah
      Take up the rein of a spreading mission
      Train the budding servants of Sunnah
      Win his Murshid's praise and admiration
      Conquer millions of hearts
      Please Allah and his Prophet
      Leave a legacy to be followed

      You call him Attar Ka Pyara !

      Haji Mushtaq Attari Qadri  Rahmatullah Ta'ala Alaih

      Muhammad Mushtaq Qadri Attari was a Naat Khuwan.Mushtaq Qadri was born on a Sunday, 18th of the Month of Ramadan, 1386 A.H. (Approx. 31 December 1966), in Banoon Sarhad, Pakistan. His father's name was Akhlaq Ahmad. Before permanently moving to Karachi, he lived in Faisalabad.
      In 1991 Mushtaq Qadri got married. His Nikah  was conducted by his mentorMuhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri. He has four children: Obaid Raza Attari; Abdul Mustafa Attari; Faizan Attari; and Ashfaq Attari.
      Mushtaq Qadri was a very close associate of the spiritual guide and leader Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Qadri , the head of the Islamic movement Dawat-e-Islami.
      In 1986 Mushtaq Qadri gave his spiritual allegiance (bay'ah) to Qadri.
      First Qadri was an imām at the Madinah Masjid, in Aurangī Town, Karachi. From 1995 until his death, he also served as an imām and speaker in Ja’ma Masjid Kanz-ul-Imān (Bābrī Chawk, Karachi, Pakistan.) He had memorized eight Juz (sections) of the Quran. He was also a qārī [one who recites the Quran with its proper recital guidelines.]  he had finished four years of Dars e Nazami. He worked as an auditor for the government for many years. He taught English language in Jā’amiāt-ul-Madinah (Sabz Market, Karachi, Pakistan.) He performed the Haj pilgrimage and visited the holy city of Madinah, Saudia Arabia four times.
      In the year 2000 he was appointed as the nigrān (head ofDawat-e-Islami's activities) of Karachi, Pakistan with the approval of all the nigrāns of Karachi. Later, in October of the same year, he was appointed as the nigrān of Markazī Majlis-e-Shūrā (Dawat-e-Islami’s Central Council).
      Due to his dedication to the cause of Dawat-e-Islami, he earned the title Attar Ka Pyara (the cherished one of Attar). "Attar" refers to Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri.
      Mushtaq Attari would never accepted payment for reciting na'at poems. Recording companies had offered him handsome amounts for releasing his albums, but had refused. He would never ask for a ride to take him to programs where he was invited for reciting, nor would he accept money for taxi fare. He never accepted any money made from his recordings (tapes/CDs) and any proceeds would be forwarded toward funding Dawat-e-Islami righteous projects.Towards the end of life, Mushtaq Qadri was suffering from throat and chest cancer, and could no longer speak. His spiritual guide, Ilyas Attar Qadri, who was in UAE at that time, phoned him and asked him to recite the kalima (declaration of faith) and Mushtaq Qadri found himself, surprisingly, able to do so. Mushtaq Qadri dies on 29th Shaban 1423 A.H. (5 November 2002) in Karachi.
      Upon hearing about his death, Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri immediately returned to Karachi from UAE.Nishtar Park , Karachi, lead by Maulana Ilyas Qadri, founder of Dawat-e-Islami. Mushtaq was buried in Sahrā-e-Madinah (near Toll Plaza, Karachi). The funeral prayers of Mushtaq Attari were offered in
      At the burial the attendees were reciting Durood and famous na'at written by Ahmad Raza Khan , such as Kaabay Ke Badrudujaa Tum Pe Karroron Durood. Congregation was held in Faizān-e-Madinaĥ on the third day of the funeral, with many Muslims taking part.

      Dar pai bolaoo makki madani Haji Mushtaq Attari Qadri Rahmatullah Ta'ala Alaih(part 1of 2)
      Part 2 of 2

      Dawat-e-Islami Nottingham

      Dawat-e-islami is the non political international propogational movement of the Quran and Sunnah! Alhamdullilah Dawat-e-Islami has set many new records in Nottingham, some of which i will try to mention: 1. March 26th 2005 Dawat-e-Islami held a UK level Ijtima at Islamic Centre Nottingham. This Ijtima was the biggest Islamic gathering to ever take place In Nottingham. One Older Namazi remarked "I have never seen a gathering this huge neither Islamic or political. . 2. 27th Rajab Dawat-e-Islami held an ijtima e Zikr o Naat on the occasion of Mirajun Nabi . Alhamdullilah the ijtima was another first of its kind in Nottingham. The ijtima went on for the whole night with Mubaligheen Presented naats and speeches in English and Urdu. 3. 15th Shaban 1426 Dawat-e-Islami held an Ijtima e Zikr o Naat at Wilford Cemetry. This was the first of its Kind in Nottingham. Alhamdullilah the whole graveyard was packed out. Was also reported in a local magazine.4. 12th Rabi ul Awwal 1427 Dawat-e-islami held an all night Ijtima e Zikr o naat on the occasion of Eid Milad Un Nabi . In which Naat khwaans of Dawat-e-islami built the love of Rasullulah in our hearts. Mubaligheen presented Speeches in English and Urdu on Milaad topics. The Blessed hair of the Prophet was shown. Alhamdullilah it was an atmosphere of love and dedication to the Prophet . This Ijtima was the biggest Dawat-e-Islami ijtima to take place that night within the UK. Alhamdullilah one Islami bhy after makin special dua upon seeing the Muh e Mubarak was blessed during his sleep and was honoured to have the Blessed Sight of the Holy Prophet Muhammad the next morning after Fajr.
      Hafiz Zia ul Haq Attari the current Nigraan [Amir] of the Majlis Kabina Nottingham [committee that oversees all Dawat-e-islami activities] announced that this ijtima will take place every year, Insha'Allah Azzawajal.

      Weekly Ijtima's in East Midlands


      Day: Thursday
      Time: 7:30 pm
      Location: Islamic Centre Nottingham

      Area  Lenton
      Day: Sunday
      Time: 6:00 pm
      Location; Lenton Muslim Centre, Nottingham


      Day: Sunday
      Time: 6:00 pm
      Location: Jamia Masjid, Rose hill Street, Derby


      Day: Sunday
      Time: After Asr
      Location: Masjid Ghousia

      sisters ijtima nottingham
      Alhamdullilah weekly madani ijtima's have started in Nottingham UK! location - Jamia Islamia, Hubert Street, Hyson Green, Nottingham Time - 11 am Day - every Sunday For sisters only!

      Introduction of Dawat-e-Islami

      Dawat-e-Islami (Invitation to Islam) is an international, non-political, propagational movement of Qur'an and Sunnah. Dawat-e-Islami was founded in 1980 in Karachi, Pakistan, by Mowlana Muhammad Ilays Attar Qadri. The movement is active in more than 72 countries.
      Dawat-e-Islami maintains its international headquarters in Karachi, and has several national and regional headquarters in 72 countries of the world. Its headquarters, either national or regional, are called Faizaan-e-Madina . The lower and lower-middle classes form the bulk of its cadres. Dawat-e-Islami is working in more than 41 fields. The two most significant activities of Dawat-e-Islami are madani qafila (missionary travel) and Mandani Inamaat (self assessment questionnaires).
      Dawat-e-Islami arranges "Haftawar Shab-e-Juma Ijtima" (weekly gatherings) in thousands of cities of the world. These ijtimaat (congregations) mostly starts on Thursday night after Magrib prayers till Friday morning. Only in India more than 500 weekly congregations take place in different distric head cities each week.
      • The ijtima is held on 322 Acers of deserted land near Multan, which is turning out to be small to hold such a huge ijtima, so Dawat-e-islami is preparing to buy more land.
      • The Dawat-e-Islami held the first-ever congregation for deaf, dumb and blind students at its central headquarters Faizan-e-Madinah. Hundreds of students between 16 and 18 years of age attended the programme. They were given a revision session on how to pray, and character building. 
      Members are expected to wear a green turban, brown shoulder cloth and a white dress (Kameez Shalwar). The long shirt should have a chest pocket, an additional very thin pocket to hold the Miswaak (wooden toothbrush).  

       Dawat-e-Islami operates its own non-commercial TV channel which does not show any advertisement, the Madani Channel, which broadcasts Islamic programmes 24 hours a day.The programmes broadcast include Hamd, Na'at, sermons, and "Question and Answer" sessions. Many programmes being telecast on Madani channel have now become South Asia's most watched religious programmes.


      Saturday 4 December 2010

      Introdution to Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat (A Brief Biography)

      Muhammad Ilyas Qadri sometimes known by his poetic signature of Attar  is a Pakistani born Scholor of traditional Islam. As well as having authored hundreds of books, he is the founder of Dawat-e-Islami  which is an international movement aiming for the propagation of the key Islamic sources the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Honorary titles bestowed upon him include Ameer e Ahle Sunnat (the Leader of the People of sunnah.) Amongst the Muslim masses and notable scholars from around the world, he is recognized as a significant figure in the Muslim revival movement, and considered by many to be a saint of this time.Muhammad Ilyas Qadri was born at the time of early evening on Wednesday the 12th July 1950 – which corresponded with the Hijri  date of 26th Ramadan 1369, in the Bombay Bazar area of Karachi, Pakistan. He was born into a middle class family of Memon background, but the family suffered immense poverty after his father died in 1951 - whilst performing the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj.Alongside various menial occupations to support his brother and in keeping the remaining members of his household, he also studied the traditional sciences of Islam including the Dars-e-Nazami  syllabus and beyond, under the tutelage of Mufti Waqar ud Deen - a prominent Islamic scholar of that time.He was married on a Friday afternoon in 1977 shortly before the Jum'aah prayer, at the age of 28. His nikah was performed by his teacher and mentor, Mufti Waqar ud Deen. Shortly after this, his elder brother died, and the responsibility of keeping the entire household fell solely on his shoulders. Whilst by his own admission already of a religious inclination, this incident made him yet more serious in his endeavours and lead ultimately to the founding of Dawat-e-Islami