Saturday 4 December 2010

Introdution to Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat (A Brief Biography)

Muhammad Ilyas Qadri sometimes known by his poetic signature of Attar  is a Pakistani born Scholor of traditional Islam. As well as having authored hundreds of books, he is the founder of Dawat-e-Islami  which is an international movement aiming for the propagation of the key Islamic sources the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Honorary titles bestowed upon him include Ameer e Ahle Sunnat (the Leader of the People of sunnah.) Amongst the Muslim masses and notable scholars from around the world, he is recognized as a significant figure in the Muslim revival movement, and considered by many to be a saint of this time.Muhammad Ilyas Qadri was born at the time of early evening on Wednesday the 12th July 1950 – which corresponded with the Hijri  date of 26th Ramadan 1369, in the Bombay Bazar area of Karachi, Pakistan. He was born into a middle class family of Memon background, but the family suffered immense poverty after his father died in 1951 - whilst performing the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj.Alongside various menial occupations to support his brother and in keeping the remaining members of his household, he also studied the traditional sciences of Islam including the Dars-e-Nazami  syllabus and beyond, under the tutelage of Mufti Waqar ud Deen - a prominent Islamic scholar of that time.He was married on a Friday afternoon in 1977 shortly before the Jum'aah prayer, at the age of 28. His nikah was performed by his teacher and mentor, Mufti Waqar ud Deen. Shortly after this, his elder brother died, and the responsibility of keeping the entire household fell solely on his shoulders. Whilst by his own admission already of a religious inclination, this incident made him yet more serious in his endeavours and lead ultimately to the founding of Dawat-e-Islami

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